You open Your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing.—Psalm 145:16
The tender mercies and loving-kindnesses of the Lord have been toward us all the days of our life, and the whole world should be filled with thankful voices, proclaiming the benevolence and love of God. The psalmist says: “The eyes of all wait upon Thee; and Thou givest them their meat in due season. Thou openest Thine hand, and satisfiest the desire of every living thing.” When we were sold under sin, He who was rich in glory, for our sake became poor, that we through His poverty might be rich. Well may we ask our souls, “How much owest thou unto my Lord?” The benevolence of Christ is exercised every day in the year. He gives daily His gifts unto us. His Holy Spirit is constantly at work, drawing the hearts of men and women, guiding them into all truth. Before the crucifixion of Christ, He told His sorrowing disciples that He would send them another Comforter, which should abide with them forever. The grace of Christ is multiplied toward us, and given without stint. The streams of salvation are continually flowing for us.
In view of what Christ has done and is doing for the children of humanity, should we not bring gratitude offerings to Him? Should our gifts flow only to one another, and the Giver of every good and perfect gift be forgotten? The Lord has said, “Them that honor Me, I will honor.” We should not wait to make an offering to God until we are out of debt. His cause demands the means that He has given to us in trust, and we should present a portion on the altar of God as freely as the infinite sacrifice was made for us. We have no time to lose in passing our treasures on to the bank of heaven. Whatever we may do, let us not forget God. If we love Him with all the heart, we shall remember His claims upon us. God requires that we shall be like Him, that we shall imitate the self-sacrificing example of Christ, and live a life of self-denial. We should prayerfully consider the question, “How much owest thou unto the Lord?”
Are there those who are robbing God in tithes and offerings? Seek to make your accounts straight; do not leave your obligation to God as the last thing to be settled.—The Signs of the Times, January 6, 1890.
Further Reflection: When has God miraculously returned money that I sacrificially gave to His cause? In what other ways does God repay that which we wager for Him?