See, I have inscribed you on the palms of my hands. Isaiah 49:16.
There are two courses of action which we may pursue. One leads us away from God, and shuts us out of His kingdom; and in this path are envying, strife, murder, and all evil deeds. The other course of action we are to follow, and in its pursuance will be found joy, peace, harmony, and love…. It is the love that glowed in the bosom of Jesus which we most need; and when it is in the heart, it will reveal itself. Can we have the love of Jesus Christ in the heart, and that love not go out to others? It cannot be there without testifying that it is there. It will reveal itself in the words, in the very expression of the countenance….
When our eldest son, in whom we had the brightest hopes, and upon whom we expected to lean, and whom we had solemnly dedicated to God, was taken from us, when we had closed his eyes in death,* and mourned in great sorrow because of our affliction, then there came a peace into my soul that was beyond description, that was past understanding. I could think of the morn of the resurrection; I could think of the future, when the great Life-giver will come and break the fetters of the tomb, and call forth the righteous dead from their dusty beds; when He will release the captives from their prison houses; that then our son will be among the living ones again. In this there was a peace, there was a joy, there was a consolation, that was beyond description….
When Christ left the world He committed a work into our hands. While here He Himself carried His work forward; but when He ascended to heaven His followers were left to take it up where He left it. Others took up the work where the disciples left it; and so it has been carried on until now we have the work to do in our own time….
We do not have to walk alone. We can carry all our sorrows and griefs, troubles and trials, afflictions and cares, and pour them into the ear that is open to hear, of One who is pleading before the Father the merits of His own blood. He is pleading His wounds—My hands, My hands! “I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands.” He offers the wounded hands to God, and His petitions are heard, and swift angels are sent to minister to fallen men and women, to lift up and to sustain.—The Review and Herald, January 4, 1887.