For to this you were called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow His steps.—1 Peter 2:21
Those who talk unbelief will have a little enthusiasm when the sky is bright, and everything encouraging; but when the battle goes hard, when we have to hope against hope, and urge our petitions to the throne of grace through deep darkness, then the unbelieving ones will talk of the good land of Canaan, but will make prominent the dangers to be encountered. They will dwell on the strong walls, and the giants that we shall meet, when the language of faithful Caleb should be heard: “The land is an exceeding good land. If the Lord delight in us, then He will bring us into this land, and give it us.”
People of courage are wanted now; people who will venture something for the truth’s sake; individuals who will be sober, but not gloomy and desponding; persons who will watch unto prayer, and whose prayers will be mingled with living, active faith. We may be cheerful and even joyful. Even under temptation, our language may be that of faith and hope and courage. But no lightness, no trifling, should be indulged in; no low witticism should escape our lips, for these things give Satan great advantage. And we are living in the solemn hour of the Judgment, when we should afflict our souls, confess our errors, repent of our sins, and pray one for another that we may be healed.
If we are converted, we shall no longer represent Satan by warped, one-sided characters; but in character, in words, and in actions, we shall conform to the perfect model given us in the life of Christ. Unless we follow this perfect example, evil practices will confirm us in Satan’s snare. We cannot afford to dally with the tempter—to persist in one wrong habit, to cherish one darling sin. If we confess and forsake our sins; if we come to Jesus in penitence and humility of soul, acknowledging our inability to remove one spot or stain of sin, and relying wholly on the merits of a crucified Saviour, we may expect forgiveness; for His word is pledged. He has said that He will pardon our transgressions, and blot out our sins. We must dwell upon the matchless love and compassion of Jesus, and not upon our own unworthiness and sinfulness.—The Review and Herald, May 13, 1884.
Further Reflection: Is there anything in my life preventing me from following Christ fully?