Daily Devotions

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Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain; and it did not rain on the land for three years and six months. And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth produced its fruit. James 5:17, 18.

Important lessons are presented to us in the experience of Elijah. When upon Mount Carmel he offered the prayer for rain, his faith was tested, but he persevered in making known his request unto God. Six times he prayed earnestly, and yet there was no sign that his petition was granted, but with strong faith he urged his plea to the throne of grace. Had he given up in discouragement at the sixth time, his prayer would not have been answered…. We have a God whose ear is not closed to our petitions; and if we prove His word, He will honor our faith. He wants us to have all our interests interwoven with His interests, and then He can safely bless us; for we shall not then take glory to self when the blessing is ours, but shall render all the praise to God.

God does not always answer our prayers the first time we call upon Him; for should He do this, we might take it for granted that we had a right to all the blessings and favors He bestowed upon us. Instead of searching our hearts to see if any evil was entertained by us, any sin indulged, we would become careless, and fail to realize our dependence upon Him, and our need of His help.

Elijah humbled himself until he was in a condition where he would not take the glory to himself. This is the condition upon which the Lord hears prayer; for then we shall give the praise to Him….

We are to believe the Word of God whether we have any manifestation of feeling or not. I used to ask God for a flight of feeling, but I do not do this now…. Like Elijah, again and again I press my petition to the throne of grace; and when the Lord sees that I realize my inefficiency and weakness, the blessing comes….

I have committed the keeping of my soul unto God as unto a faithful Creator, and I know that He will keep that which I have committed to Him until that day….

Let us praise Him with heart and soul and voice. If any have lost faith, let them seek God today. The Lord has promised that if we seek Him with the whole heart, He will be found of us.—The Review and Herald, June 9, 1891.

Note: This daily devotional has been sourced from Ellen G. White Estate.

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