The only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, He has declared Him.—John 1:18
Through varied channels the heavenly messengers are in active communication with every part of the world; and when men and women call upon the Lord with a true and earnest heart, God is represented as bending from His throne above. He listens to every yearning cry, and answers, “Here am I.” …
In every precept that Christ taught, He was expounding His own life. God’s holy law was magnified in this living representative. He was the revealer of the Infinite Mind. He uttered no uncertain sentiments or opinions, but pure and holy truth. “Every one that is of the truth,” He said, “heareth my voice.” He has built no walls so high that the nations of the earth cannot be benefited by His light-bearers, His representatives. He invites men and women to take a close view of God in Himself, in the infinite love therein expressed. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” He so loved the world that He could give nothing less. Having undertaken the work of humanity’s redemption, the Father would spare nothing, however dear, which was essential for the completion of His work. He would make opportunities for humanity; He would pour upon them His blessings; He would heap favor upon favor, gift upon gift, until the whole treasury of heaven was open to those whom He came to save. Having collected all the riches of the universe, and laid open all the resources of His divine nature, God gave them all for the use of human beings. They were His free gift. What an ocean of love is circulating, like a divine atmosphere, around the world! What manner of love is this, that the eternal God should adopt human nature in the person of His Son, and carry the same into the highest heaven!
All the heavenly intelligences were watching with intense interest the warfare that was going on upon the earth—the earth that Satan claimed as his dominion…. But lo, mercy prevailed. When the Son of God might have come to the world to condemn, He came as righteousness and peace, to save not merely the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, but all the world.—The Youth’s Instructor, July 29, 1897.
Further Reflection: How can I take advantage of the blessing of knowing that my world, and the entire planet, is enveloped in an ocean of God’s love?