Daily Devotions

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For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword.—Hebrews 4:12

It is God’s purpose that the poor and uneducated shall have, in His Word, a sure guide in the path of righteousness. If they are sincere, and desire earnestly to know the will of God, they will not be left in darkness. It is the privilege of everyone to understand the Word of God for himself. The great truths necessary for salvation are made as clear as noonday; and none need mistake and lose their way except those who follow their own judgment instead of the plainly revealed will of God. A single text has proved in the past, and will prove in the future, to be a savor of life unto life to many a soul. As men and women diligently search, the Bible opens new treasures of truth, which are as bright jewels to the mind.

If the unlearned are not capable of understanding the Bible, then the mission of Christ to our world was useless….

The command to search the Scriptures, Christ addressed not only to the scribes and Pharisees, but to the great multitude of the common people, who crowded about Him. If the Bible is not to be understood by every class of people, whether they be rich or poor, what would be the need of the Saviour’s charge to search the Scriptures? What profit would there be in searching that which could never be understood? What would be the consistency of this command, if the searching of the Scriptures would not dispel the clouds of error, or lead to an understanding of the revealed will of God?

Let everyone who has been blessed with reasoning faculties take up the Bible and search its pages, that they may understand the will of God concerning themselves. In this Book divine instruction is given to all. The Bible is addressed to everyone—to every class of society, to those of every clime and age. Everyone should read the Bible for himself. Do not depend on the minister to read it for you. The Bible is God’s Word to you. And Christ has made this Word so plain that in reading it, no one need misunderstand. Let the humble cottager read and understand the Word given by the wisest Teacher the world has ever known, and among kings, governors, statesmen, there is none greater than He.—The Signs of the Times, July 11, 1906.

Further Reflection: How has studying the Bible changed my mind?

Note: This daily devotional has been sourced from Ellen G. White Estate.

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