Daily Devotions

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Through the LORD’s mercies we are not consumed,
Because His compassions fail not.
They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness.
Lamentations 3:22, 23

How would human beings live if the gifts and blessings of heaven were not constantly flowing to them? God gives constantly that humans may give constantly. There is no time when gifts and offerings should not come in accordance with the resources which God has provided.

It is not our own money that we are handling. It is God’s, and His work cannot advance unless His treasury is supplied by gifts and offerings. God has lent us means that we may return His own to him. And if we faithfully do our duty, there will always be enough for home and foreign missions.

All that we do is to be done willingly. We are to bring our offerings with joy and gratitude…. The most costly service we can render is but meager compared to the gift of God to our world. Christ is a gift every day. God gave Him to the world, and He graciously takes the gifts entrusted to His human agents for the advancement of His work in the world. Thus we show that we recognize and acknowledge that everything belongs to God, absolutely and entirely.

God calls upon us to be laborers together with Him. This is the message that He sends to us through various means. The truth is to be presented to those who know not God. The Bible is to be read to those who will hear it. The Holy Spirit co-operates with him who opens the Scriptures to others. The minister who is a true shepherd gives the Word to the people. He engages earnestly in personal labor, and makes supplication to God. This is all the human agent can do. He sows the seed, but he knows not which shall prosper, either this or that: but God giveth the increase. He draws, He leads, He searches the heart.

Work must be done at home and in the regions beyond. This work requires God’s entrusted money. Those who are truly converted are under obligation to do a work which requires money and consecration. The Lord does not propose to come to this world and lay down gold and silver…. It is not returning to God His entrusted gifts that makes individuals poor; withholding them tends to poverty, for the one purpose above all others for which God’s gifts should be used is the sustaining of workers in the great harvest field.—Manuscript 124, 1898.

Further Reflection: Tithe is returned. Offerings are given. How generous am I with God?

Note: This daily devotional has been sourced from Ellen G. White Estate.

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